Truth about our wages?

This article was delivered by "Pearlie".
Dear Roy Sexie Spider,
You had me thinking that you were a fantastic and credible writer with an incredible economics background. I almost fell into your spider web. Lucky for me and many ignorant and oblivious Singaporeans out there, we have some brains and we used it to uncover the REAL TRUTH of wages. You named your article, “The Truth about Our Wages Revealed”? You lied. BIG TIME. Know what? I am able to tolerate plenty of nonsense online but this is not one of them. Not when you claim to blog about the truth. Not when you used your “intelligence” and “intimidating” charts to deceive the public. Sorry but I need to whack you on this. Watch me. 
--> (Chart 1 on 
So, you mentioned that The Lee Kuan Yew (LKY) School of Public Policy had disputed Singapore’s ranking in the UBS report AND YOU STOPPED AT THERE?? If you were sincere about revealing the truth, why didn’t you go the extra mile to inform and educate readers like us on WHY UBS figures were disputed by LKY School of Public Policy? Didn’t see a need to because it wouldn’t have worked towards your favor? Let me help you.
According to LKY School of Public Policy’s comments on the UBS report, UBS used a number of simplifying assumptions and standardisations. It stated, “Comparisons across cities were made from New York to Manila, Nairobi to Singapore, regardless of their employment situation, occupational profiles and consumption structure.”
UBS report understated wages in Singapore. They assumed our percentage of PMETs in 2009 was 9% when our actual percentage was 54%!! This was not mentioned in the UBS report and was revealed only when LKY School of Public Policy requested for it!!

(Para 7 on 

Mr. Spider, if you were aware that the figures in the UBS report were based on wrong assumptions, why did you close two eyes and use these figures? Oh, because it is ok to mislead your readers? Wow! And, I thought a responsible blogger would be transparent in his reporting. Aha! What a sneaky spider!   

--> Mr. Spider, your chart showed that Singapore’s hourly direct pay for time worked in Manufacturing in 2010 is US$12.68. Hey, I thought that was real! But guess what I found?

Asiaone reported on 25 December, 2011 that the hourly earnings of manufacturing workers in Singapore was US$19.10!!! How come it was different from what was shown in your blog? I thought that perhaps, Asiaone made a mistake. So I went to check against the US Bureau of Labour Statistics. Guess what I found??

It also stated US$19.10!!!
You tweaked the figure and misled the public. I can’t even be bothered to refute your other charts. You can’t even project the truth in your first few charts. Why would you, in the right mind, put out the truth in the rest of your article when you can distort it to support your angst against the Government? Today, I am fully convinced that alternative media cannot be trusted. It’s no surprise that I found this online:


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